Marta Vicente

- Professor
Contact Info
Biography —
History of sexuality, Women's history in 18th-century Spain, European women's history 1600's to present, Feminist theory, Gender and sexuality.
Ph.D., History, Johns Hopkins University
M.A., History, Johns Hopkins University
B.A., History (with honors), University of Barcelona, Spain
Research —
History of sexuality, Women's history in 18th-century Spain, European women's history 1600's to present, Feminist theory, Gender and sexuality.
Teaching Interests
- Feminist Theory
- Women's History
- Sexuality Studies
- European History
Selected Publications —
Vicente, M. V. (2017). Debating Sex and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Spain, Cambridge University Press.
Vicente, M. V. (2017). “Staging Femininity in Early Modern Spain”. In . (Ed.), Mapping the Early Modern Hispanic World Essays in Honor of Richard L. Kagan (pp. 339-59). Cambridge University Press.
Vicente, M. V. (2016). Maria Elena Martínez’s “Sex and the Colonial Archive”. "Open Forum on "Sex and the Colonial Archive: The Case of "Mariano" Aguilera". Hispanic American Historical Review
Vicente, M. V. (2016). “Pornography and the Spanish Inquisition: The Reading of Le Portier des Chartreux, an Eighteenth-Century Forbidden Best Seller” . Comparative Literature,(68), 181-198.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (2014). “Les dones i el treball durant el segle XVII i l’inici del XVIII,” (Women’s work during the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries) . In . (Ed.), Les dones. Barcelona 1700 (pp. 141-173). Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Vicente, M. (2013). Preface, Kelly Hitchcock, Portrait of Woman in Ink: A Tattoo Storybook (pp. 1-6). Evansville, IN: Bird Brain Publishing.
Vicente, M. V. (2010). Crafting the Industrial Revolution: Artisan Families and the Calico Industry in Eighteenth-Century Spain. In J. Horn, L. Rosenband, & M. Roe Smith (Eds.), Reconceptualizing the Industrial Revolution (pp. 151-168). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Vicente, M. V. (2009). Fashion, Race and Cotton Textiles in Colonial Spanish America. In G. Riello & P. Parthasarathi (Eds.), The Spinning World: A Global History of Cotton Textiles, 1200-1850 (pp. 247-260). Oxford University Press/Pasold Research Fund.
Vicente, M. V. (2009). Successful Mystics and Failed Mystics: Teaching St. Teresa in the Women's Studies Classroom. In A. Weber (Ed.), Approaches to Teaching: Teresa of Avila and the Spanish Mystics (pp. 134-141). New York: Modern Language Association.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (2009). 'Comerciar en femení': La identitat de les empresáries a la Barcelona del segle XVIII. Recerques, 56, 47-59.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (2008). [Review of Del nacer y el vivir: Fragmentos para una historia de la vida en la baja Edad Media, by María del Carmen García Herrero]. Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Bulletin, XXXIII(1), 32.
Vicente, M. V. (2006). Clothing the Spanish Empire: Families and the Calico Trade in the Early Modern Atlantic World, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Vicente, M. V. (2003). Textual Uncertainties: The Legacy of Women Entrepreneurs in Eighteenth-Century Barcelona. In M. V. Vicente & L. R. Corteguera (Eds.), Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World (pp. 185-198). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Vicente, M. V., & Corteguera, L. (2003). Women in Texts: From Language to Representation. In M. V. Vicente & L. R. Corteguera (Eds.), Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World (pp. 1-15). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Vicente, M. V. & Corteguera, L. (Eds.). (2003). Women, Texts and Authority in the Early Modern Spanish World (M. V. Vicente & L. Corteguera, Eds.). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Vicente, M. V. (2000). Artisans and Work in a Barcelona Cotton Factory (1770-1816). International Review of Social History, 45, 1-23.
Vicente, M. V. (1996). Report on the 1996 American Historical Association Meeting.
Vicente, M. V. (1996). Images and Realities of Work: Women and Guilds in Early Modern Barcelona. In A. Saint-Saëns & M. Sánchez (Eds.), Spanish Women in the Golden Age: Images and Realities (pp. 127-139). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1994). Mujeres artesanas en la Barcelona moderna. In . (Ed.), Las Mujeres en el Antiguo Régimen: Imagen y realidad [Women in the Old Regime: Image and Reality] (pp. 59-90). Barcelona: Icaria.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1993). Darrera les estructures gremials: dones i institucions econòmiques a la Barcelona del segle XVII. Pedralbes (Journal of Early Modern History, University of Barcelona), 13, 329-333.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1993). [Review of Viles y mecánicos: trabajo y sociedad en la Valencia Preindustrial, by Fernando Díez]. L'Avenç, 166, 62.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1992). La documentatión gremial: El trabajo de las mujeres en la modernidad. In T. Ortiz (Ed.), Nuevas preguntas, nuevas miradas: Fuentes y documentación para la historia de las mujeres (siglos XIII-XVIII) [New Questions, New Views: Sources and Documents for the History of Women [13th-18th Centuries] (pp. 25-43). Granada: Universidad de Granada.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1990). El treball de les dones en els gremis de la Barcelona moderna. L'Avenç, 142, 36-40.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1990). Les dones en els gremis de l'edat moderna a Barcelona (segles XVII y XVIII). Pedralbes, 10, 137-142.
Vicente-Valentin, M. (1988). El treball de la dona dins els gremis a la Barcelona del segle XVIII (una aproximació). Pedralbes, 8(I), 267-276.
Selected Presentations —
Vicente, M. . (03/16/2017 - 03/19/2017). “Transgender Narratives in Early Modern Spain” . ASPHS annual meeting, New York City, March 16-19, 2017. New York City
Vicente, M. . (02/16/2017). “Trans-Confessions: Gender Narratives in the Early Modern World” . Early Modern Studies Institute, USC, California, February 16, 2017. USC, Los Angeles, CA
Vicente, M. . (03/17/2016 - 03/20/2016). “Spanish Feminists Theorize Sex and Gender: Lessons from the Enlightenment”. ASPHS annual meeting. San Diego, CA